University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) Borrowers
Current students and full-time faculty and staff from the University of Illinois at Chicago (who have borrowing privileges at UIC libraries) are eligible for borrowing privileges at Northwestern Libraries.
Note that this arrangement does not apply to research assistants; alumni; retired faculty (except emeritus faculty); visiting scholars; children and/or domestic partners of faculty, staff or students; fee borrowers; corporate borrowers; etc.
Privilege details
- Loan period: 4-week loan period, except for items on reserve for a class, which are not included in this borrowing program. All books are subject to recall with a guaranteed loan period of one week. DVDs and videos from the Mitchell Multimedia Center can be borrowed for 7 days.
- Renewals: Items can be renewed three times, either in person or via NUsearch, the online library catalog system. After the third remote renewal, books must be brought in to start a new loan.
- Returns: You will be held responsible for any book, including any fines that accrue while in transit, until it is checked in at Northwestern.
- Fines, fees and penalties: Northwestern does not charge daily fines on regular loan books. If an item exceeds the loan grace period, it is considered "lost," and a $125 replacement charge is applied. The patron record is blocked from further NU transactions, and UIC borrowing privileges are also blocked until the material is returned.
Obtain a borrower's card
Current students, faculty, and staff who have a library account in good standing at UIC may apply for a borrower's card at Northwestern. To begin the application process, please complete the application form. A reciprocal borrower’s card is valid for the academic year through June 15, and can be renewed annually upon verification of current status and as long as your library accounts at both institutions are in good standing.
Contact our Circulation Desk at 847-491-7633.