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The library catalog does not include listings for many government materials or maps in our collection. To get started, ask for assistance at our Reference Desk, contact us or use our research guides:
University Library, 1970 Campus Drive, Room B190, Evanston, IL 60208
Call 847-467-6441 or email
See staff assistance hours on our hours webpage.
Northwestern is a repository for international, national, state and local government materials:
The library catalog does not include listings for many government materials or maps in our collection. To get started, ask for assistance at our Reference Desk, contact us or use our research guides:
The Libraries are the main provider of GIS services and software at Northwestern. GIS professionals provide training and consultations.
All library computers have GIS software installed. An oversized scanner is available and can be used with staff assistance. A plotter printer is available in the Information Commons.
Looking for social science datasets for your research or instruction?
We provide research guides and consultations to help collect, manage or access data for secondary analysis. Learn more about our services.
See our research guides:
View more than 300 World War II-era posters issued by various U.S. government agencies. They represent the government's effort, through art, illustration and photographs, to unite the American people in a time of adversity. See the collection.
The League of Nations existed from 1919 to 1946 and the 260 documents in this digital collection focus on the founding of the League, international statistics published by the League, and the League's work toward international disarmament. Begin browsing the digital collection.