Reference support
- Stacks are open during all regular University Library hours. Staff assistance is available by appointment.
- Email:
- Phone: 847-491-5273
Non-Northwestern patrons
Patrons outside of Northwestern University are welcome to visit the library to use our collections and materials. Please see the visitor resources information above. Transportation Library staff are able to offer non-Northwestern patrons approximately 20 minutes of free, ready reference services, including a search of reference materials, our online public access catalog and other bibliographic resources.
Research appointments
Individual research appointments are available for Northwestern University faculty, staff, and students, and researchers affiliated with the Transportation Center or the Center for Public Safety.
Contact the reference librarian to make an appointment to discuss your research needs by email or by calling 847-467-5325. You may also complete the online form.
Course-related instruction
To schedule bibliographic instruction on the use of the Transportation Library and the identification of information sources relative to transportation, law enforcement management, or environmental impact assessment, contact the reference librarian by email or by calling 847-467-5325. You may also complete the online form.
Document delivery and interlibrary loan services
- Northwestern faculty, staff, and students should use Northwestern Libraries' Interlibrary Loan services to borrow transportation or law enforcement-related materials from elsewhere.
- Northwestern patrons may also request articles from the collection through the on-campus Materials Scan & Delivery service.
- Non-Northwestern patrons should place requests for Transportation Library materials through their own library's ILL department or with the NU Libraries' ILL service.