Subject Librarians

These librarians have expertise in specific academic disciplines. Contact one directly or access his or her research guides for research guidance.
Start your exploration.
Our librarians offer expert research assistance. Choose from a variety of support options.
These librarians have expertise in specific academic disciplines. Contact one directly or access his or her research guides for research guidance.
Our libraries and collections offer live chat, phone and e-mail research assistance to help you find answers and direct your research.
We support those conducting and disseminating research through guidance on copyright issues, citation management, open access, evidence synthesis and more.
Subject librarians can support your course curriculum through tailored instruction for students.
Use online tools, such as our catalogs of databases, journals and reference materials, to start your research.
Or, review our Research Guides, which are subject-specific resources compiled by our Subject Librarians.
We're available to answer your questions and help you get started. Call, email or live chat with library staffer today.